Entering into Heaven

“When you die, you meet with your angels. For your soul to enter into heaven, they ask two questions. “Have you found joy in your life?” and “Have your life brought joy to others””. This was one of the scenes in the “Bucket List” where Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson were sitting on top of the Egyptian Pyramids and talking about the meaning of life.

I enjoyed Bucket List as a movie quite a lot. But more than the whole movie itself, this line stuck with me. It was a whole awakening for me to hear these questions, especially the 1st one. As I spent big part of my life not only brining joy to others but being joy for them myself. However it was a big realization for me to notice that I was not having joy doing it… I took bringing joy to others as a serious assignment, and did it no matter what I was feeling, how I was feeling, in some cases to my exhaustion…I never considered myself in the equation. Hearing these lines in the movie was a turning point for me. I asked those two questions to myself then, what brings joy to me and how can I feel joy while I am bringing joy to others…This was seven years ago.

Now, I am in the energy space of seven years of self-study to know that your intention might be pure to bring joy to others, however if you are not taking care of yourself along the way and there is any resentment due to that reason, the energy you are extending will be contaminated with that resentment. So the joy/help, whatever you are trying to give, cannot achieve to its full potential. Your intentions are good but what you extend won’t be as pure…For those of you who struggle with self-worth, hence self-care, knowing this might be helpful to get you back into caring for yourself. As you don’t want to be wrapping your help with a resentment paper…

If you never properly learn to take care of yourself, you may feel awkward, guilty, and weird in the beginning. This might be especially difficult task for those of you have co-dependent tendencies and haven’t learned to establish healthy boundaries for yourself. Saying no becomes hard, guilt comes down hard, the people who are in the co-dependent relationship with you, will pull your shame and guilt strings to get you back into the relationship dynamic they are accustomed to. For those moments, you need to stay strong. Know that as you grow, you are also helping them to grow. After all, when you meet your angels and having discussions about your life, do you want to take responsibility of the other people’s lives to say, oh, sorry, I did everything for them and they could not learn???Take the responsibility of your own life, nothing other than that…Be the best at your own life. Bring joy to yourself and let that influence other’s energy space. Remember, energy is felt.

My gift for you today is to reflect on this one…What are your tendencies in brining joy to others? How are you brining joy to yourself? What gives joy to you? What makes you want to see others happy? What happens to you if they chose not to? What makes you want to solve problems for other people? What happens to you when their choice is to stay in the problem space? What is your self-care regime? How is that working for you? How is your energetic exchange with others no matter what you are doing for them? How is it after a self-care regime of yours and how is it when you completely ignore yourself?

Here comes my prayer…May you find yourself worthy enough to consciously seek joy for you…May you find yourself important enough to offer appropriate self-care…May your joy-brining act for others be effortless and comes from the heart. May you be a joy bundle at all times so that your joy exchange is free-flowing…


Picture credits: http://lifestyle.www.ns.sg/fit-life/get-ahead/flightstick/what-you-gonna-do-before-you-kick-the-bucket





Published by Tijen Genco

Tijen Genco is a transformational life and business strategist, coach, educator, and assessor. She supported hundreds of people from many countries worldwide, empowering themselves through her coaching, inspirational videos, podcasts, and live workshops. People have enjoyed the warmth, playfulness, challenge, and transformational power of Tijen’s business and personal developmental coaching for over a decade. Tijen has received sixteen honors and awards for excellence throughout her corporate career. Her work in management consulting resulted in multi-million dollars in productivity benefits while creating a long-lasting impact in some social responsibility efforts worldwide. Tijen is a coach called upon by leaders. She has worked with regional and country leaders of global organizations and corporations, and high-degree government officials have recruited her for professional, organizational, and personal coaching. Tijen is the coach’s coach. She trained, mentored, supervised, evaluated, and coached new and established coaches toward excellence and mastery in their coaching careers. In her coaching, Tijen seamlessly integrates methodologies from East and West to offer comprehensive solutions to complex problems. Tijen’s unique and efficient approach results in sustainable solutions for corporations, government organizations, and individuals. Tijen’s professional and business coaching niche is strategic, authentic, inclusive, conscious, and resilient leadership, team cohesiveness and effectiveness, cultural transformation, and onboarding. For Life and Wellbeing Coaching, Tijen’s coaching supports individuals in establishing healthy and helpful life strategies, resolving conflicts, developing compassion, and resolving lingering emotions. As an expert in the field, Tijen offers coach education, assessments, mentoring, and supervision. Tijen's coaching inspires clients to elevate their consciousness, potentialize their strengths, and develop impactful, sustainable, effective strategies to overcome long-enduring struggles.

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